Most sellers and buyers on fiverr are great, polite and helpful people.
But then you run into the bad seed and it tends to ruin it for others, as it makes you wary and frustrated. Here are some tips and horror stories from dealing with the fiverr community.
1) Be as helpful and professional as possible. This means answer messages promptly, end with a "thank you" and don't oversell your other gigs. If you have other gigs, you can let people know about them, but don't add a laundry list of them in your delivery messages (read: desperate, clueless about marketing).
2) Don't act as if you're doing someone a favor when they buy your cheapo offer. Just because it is only $5, it doesn't mean it should be any less than a full-flavored delivery. In other words, if you got a sample of a cookie, should it be less tasty just because it's free or discounted?
3) Don't threaten or harass: Here is a copy of a message from a seller who got negative feedback (well-deserved):
I hope you realize what you just did. This is now war...
We strike next right? I think you're going to love it. Give it a few days and you'll see what I mean.
fat frustrated woman!
Wow. Really? Threats? Why don't you just do the work properly and not be a bully? (Oh, and I'm not fat!).
4) Give a little extra: Can you give a little bonus? It's very commonplace nowadays on fiverr to add a freebie. Do it.
5) Deliver on-time. I literally got a message from a seller I bought something from saying how he was tired and couldn't complete the order tonight. He'll do it tomorrow.
I laughed. As if I care that he is tired? I just want what I bought. This is very unprofessional. Imagine going to dinner and the waiter saying "You know my feet hurt right now. I'm going to sit down and come back when I feel better."
“Your Band Is A Virus! Expanded Edition” is the bigger and better version of the bestselling book "Your Band Is A Virus - Behind-the-Scenes & Viral Marketing for the Independent Musician".
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