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How to Increase Your Business with Social Bookmarking

Social media is fast becoming one that centers on the creating and sharing of content. The Internet, however, is already full of content, with billions upon billions of sites just sitting there – waiting to be opened.
This is why we are going to cover one helpful social media platform for marketing purposes: social bookmarking.
The whole concept of social bookmarking works this way involves the
finding, classification and sharing of websites. These websites are saved
or “bookmarked” on online servers, unlike regular bookmarking which
saves the address of a website on a single computer.
These social bookmarks are then accessible by other people, who are often
connected in one way or another to the person who originally
bookmarked the site – thus introducing the “social” aspect of social
Social Bookmarks: The BIG Picture
Unlike other social media platforms where people use them primarily to
network with other people, the communities that comprise social
bookmark sites are interested in finding websites that appeal to them.
The simple process of sharing websites is what makes social
bookmarking such a powerful tool in a marketer’s arsenal.
As long as a marketer’s website provides useful content, an interested visitor could bookmark that site and bring people with similar interests to the same
The ability of users to “tag” certain websites also adds search engine
value to social bookmarking. These tags will help make your website
more attractive to search engines if enough people bookmark it; helping raise your ranks on the search engines.
So the big picture with social bookmarking is to connect with people that
share similarities with your existing followers and customers. The added
visibility on search engines are a side effect of being bookmarked by
people, but it is still a welcome side effect.
Four of the Top Social Bookmarking Sites
Now before we get into the meat of getting your site bookmarked, you
first have to understand that there are a lot of social bookmarking sites
out there. It’s enough, though, that you understand four of the more
commonly-used social bookmarking sites and what sets them apart from
each other:
This is perhaps one of the most popular social bookmarking sites on the
Internet. Not only does the site cater to the core functions of social
bookmarking sites, but makes classifying and accessing information a lot
more accessible as well – which could be the secret to its current
The community of Digg, however, prefers buzz and excitement. This
means that a website that deals in popular, exciting and late-breaking
news about a particular topic will get the most positive reaction from
For the full report, sign up at Get our SPOTLIGHT MARKETING NEWS + this report on how to build your business with social bookmarking.



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