Ready to Be Your Own Boss? Still clinging to that day job for security while dreaming of starting your own company? Now is the time! While few of us can afford the luxury of throwing caution to the wind to start a small business, now is the perfect time. Some of us have the strong desire to become an entrepreneur but have to keep the day job while we give this starting a idea the go-ahead. That’s fine! You’ll be in good company as most small business entrepreneurs start part-time. Number one (and opt quoted by the mega billionaire Donald Trump) is to do something you have the passion for. Now whatever your particular feelings are for him, he has a point. You must, must, must LOVE what you do. As a matter of fact, I’ve heard it said that passion exceeds skill. Starting a small business takes effort, focus and lots of time. So maybe your day job is all consuming? You’ll have to carve out a spec...