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Showing posts from 2013

Sales Presentation Made Easy; How to feel less anxious before your next speech or presentation

I can help you make more money...guaranteed.     10 Tips to Quell Presentation Anxiety   We all know that when we give a presentation or speak in front of a group, not only are our words important, but the body language that accompanies them. Read more...      

Entrepreneur Check List: Are you ready to be your own boss?

Ready to Be Your Own Boss?  Still clinging to that day job for security while dreaming of starting your own company? Now is the time! While few of us can afford the luxury of throwing caution to the wind to start a small business, now is the perfect time. Some of us have the strong desire to become an entrepreneur but have to keep the day job while we give this starting a idea the go-ahead. That’s fine! You’ll be in good company as most small business entrepreneurs start part-time. Number one (and opt quoted by the mega billionaire Donald Trump) is to do something you have the passion for. Now whatever your particular feelings are for him, he has a point. You must, must, must LOVE what you do. As a matter of fact, I’ve heard it said that passion exceeds skill. Starting a small business takes effort, focus and lots of time. So maybe your day job is all consuming? You’ll have to carve out a spec...

8 Ways to Boost Business

8 Ideas Boost Your Biz! 1. Internet: If you're not already on it, get on the internet. If you are, you know how great it can be. Even the smallest businesses can get to a major market and do business 'round the clock. It allows you to market and sell worldwide and it's cheap! Also, it can give you the image of being a huge corporation--even if you're running it from a spare bedroom! A good web site can put you on the map. 2. Design high -end looking collateral. Don't cheap out with low-end business cards and stationery! Make the investment in good design and good printing. You don't have to spend tons; just make them the best you can afford. You don't even need four-color (read: expensive) printing: Use one color as an accent color and have it used in different levels (dark to light) to create a unique look. ...

Build a Mini-Media Empire

Build a Mini-Media Empire with Podcasts!   Podcasting for Profits…It’s easier than you think!                 Podcasting is not new, but it’s used a lot. For good reason, too. It’s a fun way to get your voice (and message heard). To start, be sure to provide interesting content. Be upbeat or at least keep it on an up-level. If you’re not a speaker or have difficulty with speaking, get someone to do it for you. Don’t drone on and on.  Get a fun ...

New Authors: Can you get your book into stores?

Click here to learn how to get your book into stores that buy directly from authors Book Launch PR

GOLD takes tumble...

Are you invested is gold? Seems almost everyone these days is. You should take a look...   Gold price falls $140 – 9 percent – in a single day. Here are four reasons the two-year decline in the gold price is accelerating.            

Using Squidoo to Generate Traffic--Tips

  One of the best strategies for generating traffic from Squidoo is to:     Choose a topic carefully. You want your Squidoo lenses to be focused around a specific topic, rather than spread out to cover multiple niches.   Once you have traffic flowing into your Squidoo lenses, you can quickly expand your outreach by developing additional lenses on other topics.   Create 10-20 articles on your chosen topic, being careful not to keyword stuff! You want you incorporate relevant keywords into your content but you want to be careful that your material is comprehensive and won’t be penalized in the search engines or deemed inappropriate by Squidoo.   Create a Squidoo lens for each of your articles. Your articles should be between 500-800 words long. You can write one lengthy article per Squidoo lens and break it up into smaller segments, utilizing Squidoo’s option to incorporate content boxes within your lens. Include image...

New Book: Spiritual Cashflow by S. Schmitt


GET THE JOB: What not to do in an interview

Boy-oh-boy do I run into the winners when I'm trying to hire! Here's a very recent story (today) that happened in a phone interview for a telemarketing/salesperson: I ran and ad; D. answered it claiming to be "Mr. Sales Pitch." All looked good, so I responded with more particulars and also reiterated the pay and hours to start. D. requested we speak and seemed amendable with particulars. I thought we were on the right track and called him looking forward to answering questions about my services, what he'd be selling, customers to target, etc. You know, typical interview questions about the job. I had outlined hours and pay in the emails TWICE so I figured that was acceptable. D. made the basic mistakes and the call resulted in an abrupt ending. Here's how D. approached it: First, it was all about him; not one question about services or products or prices or how he'd be paid or what I needed...not one. The call focused on D. and his demands for ...