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If you're in network marketing, party plan or direct sales, you know the value of leads that are primed--they know you and feel comfortable with you.
These are key to an easier sale and even possibly a new downline member. If you're looking for leads like this, there are a number of ways to get them. First, don't pay for them. Why? There are methods you can use that will ensure you a steady stream of leads.
One idea, if you're in home party sales and rely on working parties to get the bulk of your sales and recuits, is to forget the old sales party. These days parties are being tailored to mirror all different uses and styles. For example, an edu-party is a party that features an educational slant. It needn't be boring or dull. A simple cooking lesson would be a great fit for anyone selling home or kitchen items. You could do a basic accupressure class to relieve stress points and throw a candle party at the same time.
Getting creative is the name of the game. If you know someone who wants to feature their business or fun skills at your next party, invite them to teach a class to increase their leads base, too! If you know something fun, start figuring out a way you can teach a class, get leads and build your business all at the same time!
For more leads-getting ideas, join our Spotlight marketing classes. They are free! Get a bonus "Get Your Spotlight" free 24-day publicity guide right now at:
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