If you've tried and tried (and haven't we all?) to get a reporters attention for your book or project, you might enjoy this blog post I found... http://www.businessinsider.com/10-secrets-to-pitching-reporters-when-no-one-knows-who-the-hell-you-are-2011-6?op=1
Do you have a platform? If you don't know what this is, or don't have one, don't even think about writing your book. This is the advice from publishing big-wigs like Arielle Ford. Of course, this isn't new, but it's now the MUST HAVE marketing for nearly any non-fiction writer who truly desires to make any money with his/her book. As most books don't sell many copies, authors are to rely on back-end deals like speaking engagements and selling other programs to truly rake in the cash. As a writer, the problem exists: Most writers who truly write are not really going to want to get up and speak in front of crowds and hawk their wares (books), right? So how to overcome this? For my money, I'm guessing teleseminars and maybe video seminars could work. Also, developing programs that are pricer that you can upsell to readers who enjoy your topics. In other words, don't be complacent and think as an author you're just going to write books and make m...
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