Over the years I've sold thousands of copies worldwide and I can honestly say that offering the ability to purchase with a well-known credit card processor has helped... a lot! When I started out, I offered my books on ebay, so of course I took Paypal. This worked for awhile, but I realized I needed to go even more "professional" so I signed up with a little-known company (at the time), 2co.com. They were easy and it was cheap to get a merchant "account" and put it on my site.
Since doing that, I still accept Paypal and still get orders with it, but nowhere near the credit card orders I get. I think offering this choice has been a real boon to my sales. If you're not with a credit card company and rely only on Paypal, re-think it. You could easily double or even triple your sales.
BTW: My books are at http://www.moehr-associates.com/, http://www.directsalespower.com/ and http://www.isellmoretoday.com/
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