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Showing posts from May, 2011
Direct Sales Boot Camp Success System... a 30-day program for building your direct sales business! See the video testimonial above and visit

Book Marketing Tip: Don't skimp on the cover!

We all know the old adage, Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover . Is it true? You bet your sweet bippy it is (what is a bippy?) I've seen so many covers of self-pubbed books by otherwise very talented authors, yet the cover is just plain boring and dull. Either it's got bad font, type, no pics, boring color, etc.,... I don't get it. Why spend the time writing and publishing the book just to lose sales with a cover that doesn't pop? Does cover design cost a lot? Heck no! If you have a simple photo or design program (I use Illustrator and Photoshop, but you can do it with less), then you can make yourself some amazing...AMAZING covers! My best tips: Use a picture -- you can get inexpensive photos to use at (great site!) Take time to look at covers in your genre-- which are good and bad and follow the good ones (don't copy, just emulate) Do a few different renditions, leave them and come back later. You might change your mind on wha...
Visit my site: Coming out June 2011! 

Book Marketing 101: WriteDelight

  Follow me on Twitter: WriteDelight
Market your book with video testimonials, easy, cheap!

Book Selling: Paypal or Credit Cards or Amazon?

I've been marketing and selling my books on my sites for years now, all without the almighty amazon. Not because I don't like them--I LOVE amazon, but because I wanted to price and sell and promote it and make more profits (hey, I'm honest!). Over the years I've sold thousands of copies worldwide and I can honestly say that offering the ability to purchase with a well-known credit card processor has helped... a lot! When I started out, I offered my books on ebay, so of course I took Paypal. This worked for awhile, but I realized I needed to go even more "professional" so I signed up with a little-known company (at the time), They were easy and it was cheap to get a merchant "account" and put it on my site. Since doing that, I still accept Paypal and still get orders with it, but nowhere near the credit card orders I get. I think offering this choice has been a real boon to my sales. If you're not with a credit card company and rely o...

Marketing Your Book Tip: Get reviews and testimonials

Book Marketing 101: If you're putting out a book, and you're a no-name author (no offense; I'm a no-namer, too!), you MUST do all your can to boost your book's credibility for more sales. This includes 1.) Getting a great cover, 2.) Doing a trailer or video, 3.) Getting reviews Thinking you'll pop it up on amazon and whizz to the top is surely not your best bet. You have to PUSH it up there! By making sure it's eye-catching, has visibility (videos) and has reviews that sell it, will help it boost in sales and exposure. For some budget ideas for marketing and getting your book a video review, visit Covers can be designed for just $99 at (yep, it's me) and you can put out a press release a week for good SEO coverage at . I've used it and it works quickly and efficiently for SEO expsoure.

New Book on Kindle: Leads, Leads, Leads!

Leads, Leads, Leads XL Leads Generating Program for Home Party Plan Sellers! Only $5.99 on Kindle at Learn more...